Date: 2/25/2021
Q: Curly
PAX: Curly, Hot Tub, Scribe, Volunteer, Heavy J, Boombox, and APR
Warm up - 4 minute jog
2 sets x 4 cycles = 1 Tabata
8 Tabatas total (20 different moves)
21 seconds work, 10 seconds rest
First Tabata:
Jumping Jacks and Burpees
Second Tabata:
Push Ups and Tricep Dips
Third Tabata:
Reverse Crunches, Plank, Left Plank, Right Plank
Fourth Tabata:
Standing Lunges and Jump Squats
Fifth Tabata:
Superman and Bridge Pose
Sixth Tabata:
Fire Hydrants and Standing Squats
Seventh Tabata:
Bicycles, Butterfly Kicks, Big Girl Sit-Ups, Penguins
Eighth Tabata:
High Knees and Mountain Climbers
Stretch at the end!!
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