New Beginnings
Jan 25, 2024
Q - Murph
The Pax: Ginger Spice (respect), Mud Pie, Mud Pie JR, Bumble, Dolly, Hot Wheels,
Volunteer (respect), Bad Wolf, Digger (respect), Rapunzel, and Murph (Q)
Stretch & two down and backs. (If raining - 2 mins run in place)
The thing:
Complete each round 4 times.
Round 1
30 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
Round 2
30 Mountain climbers
20 Lunges
10 Push-ups
Round 3
30 Pulsing Squats
20 Burpees
10 Push-ups
Round 4
30 Bicycle Crunch
20 Glute Bridges
10 Scissors Kicks
Quote: Game/Announcement.