Welcome to FiA ENC Greenville!

Thanks so much for checking out FiA ENC Greenville! We are a community of women who meet for free, peer lead workouts and so much more. Workouts are free and open to all women of any shape, size, fitness level, race, religion, etc. Whatever stage of fitness or life you are at, FiA is here to support and provide a completely judgement free zone! Please check out more about our region here, and our weekly schedule is here!

Thursday 11s

 PAX: Stitch - respect, Blue Angel, Murph, Bad Wolf 

Q: Hot Wheels 

Get Warm 


Inch worms 

Arm circles

Walk on toes 

The Thang 


Exercise 1 and run to fence do exercise 2 rinse and repeat 

  1. Squat thrust 
  2. Side lunge 

Exercise 1 side shuffle to fence exercise 2 rinse and repeat 

  1. Push ups 
  2. Reverse lunge 

Core x2 10 reps

Laying penguins 

Toe taps 


Pearl Harbor (82 Years)

Pearl Harbor (82 years ago)

12/7/24, 2024

Q: Murph

The Pax: Wedding Singer, Spike, Thriller, Ginger Spice (respect), and Murph

The Thing

When did it happen: Japan attacked the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 7th, 194,1 around 7:55 am to around  9:10 am (1 hour and 15 min).

  • 1min 15-sec plank

What happened: 19 U.S. ships were attacked. Twelve were damaged but still floating. Seven were sunk. Four of the seven sunk were recovered and restored. Three were destroyed. And one is still lying in the Harbor (U.S.S. Arizona). 

  • 19 Burpees

340 aircraft were lost

  • 100 cherry pickers

  • 100 toes to heaven

  • 100 supermans

  • 40 toe taps

Casualties: The attack killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, which included 2,008 Sailors, 109 Marines, 218 Soldiers, and 68 civilians. (24 min)

  • 2 minutes of  calf raises (or 300 reps)

  • 2  minutes of lunges (or 300 reps)

  • 2 minutes of  high knees (or 300 reps)

  • 2 minutes of  jumping jacks (or 300 reps)

    • 1,200 done, 1203 to go!

  • 2 minutes of  sit-ups (or 300 reps)

  • 2 minutes of  penguins (or 300 reps)

  • 2 minutes of Russian twist (or 300 reps)

  • 2 minutes of mountain climbers SLOW AND CONTROL (or 300 reps)

    • 2,400 done, 3 to go!

  • 3 burpees

1,178 people were wounded. (12 min)

  • 2 minutes of pushups

  • 2 minutes of squats

  • 2 minutes of dirty girls

  • 2 min plank or side obliques

The U.S.S. Arizona: 37 pairs of brothers were assigned to the USS Arizona. Of those, 23 sets were killed, 62 men perished (12 lived). The US Navy now discourages family members from serving aboard the same vessels.

23  biceps curl to overhead press. 

More than 1,000 souls were trapped on the boat when Japan dropped a bomb on the USS Arizona. These souls were never recovered.

The USS Arizona is still leaking 2-9 quarts of oil a day, a phenomenon known as the "Black Tears of the Battleship Arizona.”

Aftermath: The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan, officially entering the United States into World War II. The war started when Germany invaded Poland. This led to a global war from 1939 to 1945. Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945, which ended the war. Six years and 1 day later.  (9/1/1939 - 9/2/1945)

  • 1 down and back and 1 burpee.


  • Winners are not people who never fail. They are people who never quit. 

30 days after the attack -  134,00 Americans enlisted in the military.

Strongest allies - Japan. 1.5 million Japanese visitors visit the memorial each year.

Glutes Activate!

Nov 9th 2024

Q - Murph

The Pax: Wedding Singer, Spike, Ginger Spice, Kazoo


Arm crossover, neck, knee holds, straight down, over the fence. 

The thing: 

  • Glutes (Booty Band suggested)

    • Durty Grils (glute bridge)

    • Glute bridge hold

    • Bridge abduction (in and outs)

    • Side-to-side squats

    • Good mornings

  • Core

    • Sit up

    • Crossover crunch left (left elbow right knee cross)

    • Crossover crunch right

    • Penguins

    • Heel taps

Cool Down

  • Stretch

Quote: I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot: together we can do great things.

- Mother Teresa -

Legs and arms

Oct 17, 24

Q - Murph

The Pax: 

Ginger Spice RESPECT, Digger RESPECT, Derby, Red Socks and Lemonade


Arm crossover, neck, knee holds, straight down, over the fence. 

The thing: 

  • Legs (20 each X2)

    • Single leg squat L

    • Single leg squat R

    • Donkey kicks L

    • Donkey kicks R

    • Frog pump

    • Elevated glute bridge

  • Arms ( 20 Each X2)

    • Lateral raises (side raise)

    • Arnold Press 

    • Upright Rows 

    • DB Flys lying down

    • Bench Press 

  • Run down and back

Cool Down

  • Stretch

Quote: Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Time to prepare; it's OCTOBER!

Time to prepare; it's OCTOBER!

Oct 5, 24

Q - Murph

The Pax: 

Hurricane, Wedding Singer, Blue Angel, and Britt.


Arm crossover, neck, knee holds, straight down, over the fence. 

The thing: 

Abs - 10 min (two rounds)

  • Reverse crunch

  • Leg lifts (dont let them touch the ground)

  • Single-leg toe touch R (opposite hand touch toe. Back flat)

  • Single-let toe tough L (opposite hand touch toe. Back flat)

  • Mason Twist (use weights to increase intensity)

Halloween Survival workout (3X)

  • Zombies! Run!

    • Run down and back

  • Flying bats, better duck.

    • 15 squats

  • SHHHH, hold very still.

    • 1 minute plank

  • Zombies again!

    • Run down and back

  • Jump over the graves

    • 10 tuck jumps or 20 calf raises

  • Stay low to the ground

    • 20 pushups

  • Try to sneak by.

    • 20 walking lunges


Quote: Be strong; you never know who you are inspiring.

Saturday Sweats


Q Hot Wheels 

Welcome FNG Latte 

PAX- Rice Crispy Volunteer Digger Ginger Spice Kazoo Brit Murph  

Warm up 

Squat to hip open 

Deep squat with reach 

Worlds greatest stretch 

Three the needle 

The Thang 

Legs super set 3 sets 

Weighted lateral squat 8/side

Sumo squat weighted 10 

Standing leg weight hip abduction 8/side 

Squat jumps 8

Walking lunge 8/side 

Step ups 8/side 

Core x3 @and 

Heel taps 10/side 

Scoops 10/side 

Bird dog 10/side 

Cross toe touch 20 total