2/1/2020 @Boyd Lee
Q- Sketch
Pax- hot tub, Hobbit, kazoo, ginger Spice, Yankee, cheegan
It has been a very hard week for me and many of my FiA sisters. I have had days where I want to hide under a blanket and escape but it's days like this that help me through. I know that the hardest part is putting my shoes on but once I lace those bad boys up I know it's go time. It's a constant choice I have to make but it becomes so clear when I roll up to a workout and see such positive supportive women that it's where I need to be. Y'all give me so much strength and purpose. I truly appreciate it.
Now with that mushy stuff out of the way let me show you how endorphins are the bomb. com
First we warmed up and the got down to it!
Run the look or run in place for 10 min
Combo Queens- 2 sets of 10
- standing jumping jack to plank jacks
- tricep dips arm extension (1:1)
- Superman crunch
- bicep curl to side arm punch
Butt YASSS- 1 set of 20 (1:2)
- stationary bridge with leg raise
- weighted step ups
- jump squats
- plank leg lifts
- one legged dirty girls
ABsolutely- 1 set of 20 (1:2)
- Spiderman with toe touch
- starfish crunch ( hug knees then spread out)
- inchworms
- Russian twists with weights
- apple pickers with weights
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