Welcome to FiA ENC Greenville!

Thanks so much for checking out FiA ENC Greenville! We are a community of women who meet for free, peer lead workouts and so much more. Workouts are free and open to all women of any shape, size, fitness level, race, religion, etc. Whatever stage of fitness or life you are at, FiA is here to support and provide a completely judgement free zone! Please check out more about our region here, and our weekly schedule is here!

Super Sweaty Saturday


Q: Hot Wheels 

PAX: Ringmaster, Twerk, Gilbert, Trip, Blue Angel, Murph 

Quick warm up then did the thang: 

Ran the middle of the loop (parking to volleyball courts)

10 reps 3 sets 

Dumbbell overhead press

Bent over row 

Tricep extension 

Upright row 

Run the middle of the loop (parking to volleyball courts)

 3 sets 

10 step back lung/side 

10 fire hydrant/side 

10 donkey kicks /side 

10 squat jumps 

Core  x 3 

10 weighted full sit up 

10 leg raise w lift 

10 reverse with leg lift 

10 side crunch/ side

1 minute of burpees

Everyone rocked it! The air was so still and the sweat was flying! 

Great work! 

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