PAX: Paint it Purple, Hurricane, AD, Wedding Singer, Mudpie, Queso, Volunteer (RESPECT), Hot Wheels, Half Pint, Hobbit, Blue Angel, Smacknally
After a quick warm up, we got down to the ABC's of FiA.
Do each exercise for 1 minute, 10 sec rest in between.
A arm circles
B bicep curls
C crunches
D dead lifts
Run/walk 5 minutes
E elevator squats
F fire hydrants
G goblet squats
H high knees
Run/Walk 4 minutea
I imperial walkers
J jumping jacks
K kicks (front)
L lunges (walking)
Run/walk 3 minutes
M merkins aka push ups
N nothing - 1 minute break
O obliques - standing side to side
P plank
Run/ Walk 2 minutes
Q quick/fast feet
R reverse fly
S squats with overhead press
T tricep extension
U upright rows
Run/walk 1 minute
V v-sits aka defenders
W wall sit
X x-abs aka scissor kicks
Z zen aka stretching
Thanks for coming out this morning and welcome back!
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