CrossFit Ruck
March 13, 2024
Q: Murph
Temp: 74 and sunny!
The Pax:
Bumble, Survivor, Volunteer (respect), Stitch (respect), and Dolly
The thing:
Ruck the 3-mile path with CrossFit activities on every new road.
20 pushups
20 JJ
10 lunge around the world
15 incline pushups
20 Monkey Humpers
30 Calf Raises
Jog to the next street
10 Hammer Curl to Press
Sprint to the next street
*Due to starting 15 minutes late, we did not complete any CrossFit in the last .70 mile.
When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go” -Carol Burnett.
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