Welcome to FiA ENC Greenville!

Thanks so much for checking out FiA ENC Greenville! We are a community of women who meet for free, peer lead workouts and so much more. Workouts are free and open to all women of any shape, size, fitness level, race, religion, etc. Whatever stage of fitness or life you are at, FiA is here to support and provide a completely judgement free zone! Please check out more about our region here, and our weekly schedule is here!

Pre- Birthday Workout

Pre-Birthday Workout


Q- Murph

Pax: Scribe (respect), Athena, Ginger Spice (respect), Stitch (respect), Digger (respect), Hot Wheels, & Belly Man.

The thing:

Stretch - 5 minutes of independent stretching.

Part 1 - Core

  1. Lay on the floor and do eight dumbbell floor presses (keep weights together).

  2. Hold 8 seconds in the air. 

  3. Leg up, down, in, and out while holding weights up. 

  4. Rest for 2 min and repeat for a total of 4 reps.

Part 2 - 11

  1. Step-ups - calf raises

  2. Front raise - lat raise

  3. Penguine - crunch

Part 3  - Weather permitting and time pending.

  1. Walk/run the track.

  2. Pax Choice


“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.

Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.

Walk beside me; that we may be as one.”

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